I've had many mails, messages, tweets & mentions (thanx! keep them coming to info@inbloom.co.za - I LOVE hearing all your wardrobe questions and receiving all your pics!) and I thought it good to post something about my inspiration(s) for InBloom. Most of it comes from my beautiful, fashionista-friends and I want to introduce them all to you!
Salomie is a local Couture Designer and one of my BFF's since 2003. A hardworking, creative mind with a stunning figure and a big heart = a gorgeous lady with loads of style. Love her to bits.

Maria is the person with the most delicate figure: she has porcelain skin (no really!) and THE best wardrobe EVER. She's also a talented artist - which means she paints unreal, makes the best pottery items and designs jewelry and bags to die for.

Now Karin has THE best skin in the business. She has a very developed personal style and always makes me think that she would probably be bff's with Audrey Hepburn and Coco Chanel. They would have tea, smoke long cigarettes and laugh about the silliness of men.

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