February 2, 2014

Love-Your-Life Trick # 3

Find your Feel-Good tune & listen to it often

I love music so I have many "feel-good" songs, and whenever I feel that I have no energy to exercise or I don't have motivation/ inspiration to complete a project, I listen to one of MY songs.

One of my favourites is the "Sunscreen" song (click to listen) by Baz Luhrmann.

It has some really great advice and puts things into perspective for me. My favourite line is: "Enjoy your body, use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own."

January 16, 2014

Love-Your-Life Trick #2

Buy yourself a bouquet

A bunch of flowers in your bedroom, kitchen, living room or on your dining room table will bring colourful relief to the gloomiest of days.

Buy a bunch every week to brighten your home.
They will bring inspiration whilst eating your breakfast.

January 15, 2014

Love-Your-Life Trick # 1

For a self-labelled "blogger" I really am battling to find time (inspiration) to write something (anything) worth reading.

But wait, I'm doing this (research, writing and posting), for ME?!!

It's a new year, I've sold off my business and I'm spending quality time at home, with my 3 gorgeous children, buying furniture, reading books and magazines, having my hair done, inviting friends over for dinner, making and trying new things and just living.

Happily living my life.

Which brought me to this post: about finding happiness.

Finding happiness doesn't necessarily mean major life changes such as quitting/ changing your job,  meeting/ marrying Mr Right or reaching your goal weight. No, it simply means finding out which small things (little personal rituals) gives you the most joy, and then implementing them into your life on a regular basis.

That's it. Easy! Over the next few weeks I'll do posts on some of my own favourite rituals.

Keeping a file of favourites

Anything from inspirational quotes, nice decor, fashion/ beauty tips and images, letters/ cards from friends, some photos : it reminds me of what really matters to me and motivates me to be the best I can be.

And I just have to add, although we live in a digital age where we all have Pinterest to do this, there is something magical and tangible about opening up that "me"-file...